Pang Ma Pha District

Pang Ma Pha district situated in the north uppermost of the province. The march of the neighboring administrative area as following the North is next to Shan state in Myanmar, the East is next to Pai district, the South is next to Pai and Mae Hon Son Muang districts, and the West is next to Mae Hong Son Muang district and Shan State in Myanmar. It is 67 km. far away from Mae Hong Son Muang district and the topography is lots of high steep sophisticated mountains, there are nearly a hundred caves.

Pang Ma Pha district and viewpoint

The climate: it has also 3 seasons as follow summer begins from March-May, the rainy season begins from June-October and the cold season begins from November-February the average temperature all year is 28 degree ˚C. The total area is 798,375 square km. The total population is 19,931 persons (2009) which consist of Native people, Shan, Karen, Hmong, Lisu, Lahu, and Lawa. Most of the people earn their living in agriculture, cultivated area and live in the steep hillside, upland rice planting, and field crops such as corns, gingers, carrots, potatoes, red beans, livestock, there is not quite a lot of rice field and most of it is along the brook which has only little flat area. Pang Ma Pha district divided the administrative area into 4 sub-districts namely: Sop Pong sub-district, Pang Ma Pha sub-district, Tham Lod sub-district, Napu Pom sub-district, and there are altogether 38 villages.

Useful telephone numbers
Pang Ma Pha Hospital: 0-5361-7152-6
Pang Ma Pha Police Station: 0-5361-7172
Pang Ma Pha District office: 0-5361-7158